Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Wiki
Hinamizawa Teiryūjo
Orignal Release Date October 25, 2011
Artist Tomozo
Number of Chapters 10
  • PC
  • Nintendo Switch
  • PS4
  • Previous Arc Hirukowashi-hen
    Following Arc Onidamashi-hen

    Hinamizawa Teiryūjo - Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Genten (雛見沢留所~ひぐらしのく頃に原典~, Hinamizawa Bus Stop - When The Cicadas Cry Origins) is a manga based on the original script of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. The story was written by Ryukishi07 a few years before the release of Onikakushi-hen and for one reason or another, was changed before the game's release. Years later, along with the other Higurashi manga, it was released following the "beta" versions of Sonozaki Mion and Furude Rika. Since then, Hinamizawa Teiryūjo has been translated into English and posted on various sources online.

    Teiryūjo has been officially included in Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Hō, in its original sound novel form. The Nintendo Switch version for released on July 26th, 2018 also contains this arc with brand new CGs and artwork.


    In the story, Rika and her underclassman Mion visit a bus stop in the outskirts of Hinamizawa. A number of people related to the dam construction also happen upon the stop, and the stories of Oyashiro-sama's curse are unraveled. 


    • Chapter 1: Sound of Rainfall
    • Chapter 2: The Beginning of the Curse
    • Chapter 3: The Erased Past
    • Chapter 4: Someone Watching Me
    • Chapter 5: It Doesn't Exist
    • Chapter 6: Trauma
    • Chapter 7: I'll Kill You...
    • Chapter 8: Friends
    • Chapter 9: The Truth About the Curse
    • Chapter 10: If It's The Two of Us...


    Characters who appears in the story[]

    Characters who are mentioned[]

    • Kondo Yoshiyuki
    • Kakinuma
    • Kato
    • Mori
    • Yūko Hirayama

    Deaths and Disappearances[]

    • Kondo Yoshiyuki, stabbed his family to death and then slit his own throat on November 20.
    • Kakinuma, hit a dump truck while clawing out his throat and driving on the wrong side of the road.
    • Kato, jumped in front of a train at Nishi-Funabashi Station.
    • Mori, stabbed three coworkers with an awl before stabbing himself in the throat.
    • Kazuya Arakawa, claws out his own throat after hallucinating Yoshimura reminding him of his story.
    Game Arcs
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Onikakushi-henWatanagashi-henTatarigoroshi-henHimatsubushi-hen
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai Meakashi-henTsumihoroboshi-henMinagoroshi-henMatsuribayashi-hen
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei Saikoroshi-henBatsukoishi-henHirukowashi-hen
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Matsuri Taraimawashi-henTsukiotoshi-henMiotsukushi-hen
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kizuna Someutsushi-henKagebōshi-henYoigoshi-henTokihogushi-henKotohogushi-hen
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sui Hajisarashi-hen
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Hō Higurashi OutbreakKamikashimashi-henHinamizawa Teiryūjo