Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Wiki
Original Air Date(s) October 1, 2020 - October 22, 2020
Number of Episodes 4
Number of Chapters 3
Previous Arc Yumeutsushi-hen
Following Arc Watadamashi-hen

Onidamashi-hen (鬼し編, Demon-Deceiving Chapter) is an anime and manga only arc that was introduced as the first chapter of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gō, the sequel of the original anime series. The arc is based on Onikakushi-hen, hence the similar name choice, but with new events and a completely different conclusion added.


Coming soon!

Anime Episodes[]

Disappearances and Deaths[]

All deaths and disappearances are listed only as they are told in Onidamashi-hen. Spoilers only for the individual arc, not the overall series.



  • Ryūgū Rena: died of her injuries after an unsuccessful attempt to murder Keiichi in his house on June 23, 1983.
  • Furude Rika: found dead with stab wounds to her neck in her home at Furude Shrine on June 24, 1983.
  • Hōjō Satoko: also found dead with stab wounds to her neck from the same knife in her home at Furude Shrine on June 24, 1983.


  • Since this is an alternate version of Onikakushi-hen, Onidamashi-hen the second kanji of Onikakushi-hen (隠・kakushi・"to hide") is not the same as the one in Onidamashi-hen (騙・damashi・"deceive").
    • While Funimation translated "Onidamashi" as "Demon-Deceiving", the title is ambiguous and can be also read as "Deceived by Demons"
  • Kataribanashi-hen also has a chapter titled Onidamashi-hen, but it's an entirely different, one-shot story, so it's safe to assume the same name is just a coincidence.
  • As in Tatarigoroshi-hen, it is implied that Keiichi dies at the conclusion of the final episode, but his fate is intentionally left ambiguous.

Answer Arc[]

See Oniakashi-hen

Anime Arcs
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Onikakushi-henWatanagashi-henTatarigoroshi-henHimatsubushi-hen


Higurashi no Naku ni Kai Yakusamashi-henMinagoroshi-henMatsuribayashi-hen
Higurashi no Naku ni Rei Hajisarashi-henSaikoroshi-henHirukowashi-hen
Higurashi no Naku ni Kira Batsukoishi-henAyakashisenshi-henMusubienishi-henYumeutsushi-hen
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kaku Higurashi Outbreak
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gō Onidamashi-henWatadamashi-henTataridamashi-henNekodamashi-henSatokowashi-hen
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sotsu Oniakashi-henWataakashi-henTatariakashi-henKagurashi-hen