Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Wiki
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Ryūgū Kihiro
竜宮 希比呂
Ryūgū Kihiro Avatar
First Appearance Oniokoshi-hen
Portrayed By

Ryūgū Kihiro (竜宮希比呂) is the son of Ryūgū Rena and one of the main characters of chapters of Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Rei.

Character Summary[]

Kihiro returned to Hinamizawa when a young boy when his mother divorced his father. He became friends with Keitarō when they were young.


Kihiro greatly resembles his mother in her youth if she was a boy. Like her, he has her "orange hair"[1] with bangs that part on the left side of his face except cut shorter, and blue eyes. Has a slender build.


Kihiro has inherited this intolerance for lying. Granted, in the original arcs, Rena either reacted in this manner under the influence of the Hinamizawa Syndrome and/or Keiichi misperceived her reaction due to his own condition. Kihiro's intolerance appears far greater. He routinely delivers the "嘘だ!" that made his mother famous to Keitarō. When pushed too far, he may deliver his "Kihiro Knuckle" with a power similar to his mother's.

When pushed over the bring by Sakiko's lies, Kihiro unleashes "Kihiro Knuckle (きひろナックル・kihiro nakkuru)" the "penetrating fist (ツッコミの拳・tsukkomi no ken)" that he "inherited from his mother."[2]


Maebara Keitarō[]

They have been friends since little children. Keitarō recalls playing with him, breaking Rena's "Kenta-Kun," and learning what a mistake it is to lie to her. Kihiro has inherited this intolerance for lying to a far greater degree. Keitarō seems to imply in Hoshiwatashi-hen that it takes him longer than his mother to recognize a lie, and he finds his ruminations funny, as he does his reactions to being teased. Like his mother did for Keitarō's father, he waits for Keitarō every morning in the same place. Keiichi may have enjoyed some slight teasing of Rena; Keitarō enjoys sneaking up and scaring Kihiro. He continues to lightly tease him, but Kihiro is not passive. When Keitarō suggests something he disagrees with, he will confront him. He finds Keitarō strive to become a friend to everyone unrealistic, and he also shares the rest of the "Gang" with regards to Polaris.

While the parallels with the characters and their parents are obvious, unless When They Cry Wiki missed the signals, he does not appear to have a crush on Keitarō as his mother had for Keiichi.

Kimiyoshi Sakiko[]

Sakiko will tease him as she teases the others. Kihiro appears to take these in stride unless she lies.

Sonozaki Tamaki[]

While they are friends, Tamaki does not appear to include him on her evergrowing list of potential husbands. When They Cry Wiki will try to avoid speculation.

Ryūgū Rena and Father[]

Flashbacks show that he and Keitarō became quickly acquainted with his mum's views on lying when they were very young. Rena divorced his father who remains unnamed. Keitarō's mother confirms that he has the name "Ryūgū" when she refers to him as "Ryūgū-san."

Furude Rika[]

Thus far, he has had not had much interaction in either chapter. Flashbacks do show her with the rest of her friends and their children at cookouts.

Hōjō Satoko[]

Thus far in both chapters, he mainly interacts with Satoko through her daughter who works at her shop and bring him and the others to take part in helping the marketing. Satoko appears quite modern in her tactics, which include internet videos.


  • Lot of Trivia here



  1. The hair color in Higurashi provides a way of establishing familial relationships with the Sonozaki girls and their mother having "green" hair, and the Hōjō siblings having "blond" hair.
  2. See Gallery. The description is "母より受け継ぎしツッコミの拳," or "penetrating fist inherited from [his] mother," with the small, almost furigana, きひろナックル over it.